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Would you like to have a natural and plastic free toothpaste, which is validated by dentists?

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Check the Toothpaste

They Speak About Us

10 Reasons to Choose WAYA

In one word, it is a toothpaste which is great for your health and for the planet.

8 reasons to choose WAYA

It is a toothpaste which is good for your health and for the planet.

8 Gründe, WAYA zu wählen

Dies ist eine Zahnpasta, die Ihrer Gesundheit und dem Planeten etwas Gutes tut.

How does it Work?

It's fast, easy and efficient. You just need to:

What do our Customers Think about it?

I was amazed when I tried this toothpaste. I found the same "sensations" as with toothpaste in a tube: foaming, fresh breath, clean teeth and the sensation of a clean mouth with the usual good mint taste.

On top of that, it's easy to use and waste-free.

Rahel Senggen

From the very first use, I was convinced by this toothpaste. It's easy to use, foams easily, leaves a fresh breath and smooth teeth for several hours, which is not the case with the toothpastes I usually use.

Nathalia Tenjo

Validated by Dentists

I find this toothpaste very practical and easy to use. It leaves the surface of the teeth clean without being too abrasive. I love the strong mint flavour that gives you fresh breath after brushing.

Nicole Schenk - Dental Hygienist

Intrigued by this new concept, I tested this new toothpaste tab and was pleasantly surprised. It's as foamy as you could wish for, has a pleasant taste and leaves a refreshing sensation at the end of brushing.

Nicolas Decugis • Medical Dentist SSO-SVMD

WAYA, le meilleur des deux mondes

Les dentifrice traditionnels offrent une bonne protection contre les caries mais pour la plupart, leur composition laisse à désirer et le tube en plastique est un enfer pour la planète.

Les alternatives solides ou en poudre sont quant à elles naturelles et sans plastiques, mais elles ne sont pas hygiéniques et ne protègent pas les dents des caries.

WAYA allie le meilleur des deux mondes. C'est un dentifrice hygiénique, naturel et sans plastique, qui est validé par les dentistes. Il protège les dents des caries.


Dentifrice en tube


Dentifrice solide ou en poudre


Dentifrice à croquer WAYA


Nettoie les dents sans les abîmer

Validé par les dentistes

Mousse comme il faut

Cruelty Free


Swiss Made

Sans Plastique


*On peut trouver certains dentifrice en tube qui sont constitués d'ingrédients d'origine naturelle mais la majorité d'entre-eux ne le sont pas du tout.

Is WAYA made for you?

Answer those 4 questions and discover it now:

  1. You pay attention to what you eat and to the cosmetic products you use?
  2. You are in a dynamic of reducing waste and have a positive impact on the planet?
  3. You like to support local business and small companies in particular?
  4. You have good teeth without any particular issue?

If you answer yes to one of those questions, then try WAYA, you will love it! If not, it is not for you.

NOTE: If you have dental issues and you already use a special toothpaste, wait a bit vefore testing WAYA. I'm going to work on a version of this toothpaste which is specially made for people with teeth and/or gum problems.


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My Story

A few years ago, I started to reduce waste. I switched to solid soap and shampoo, safety rasoir. Everything was going well until I try solid toothpaste. Impossible to find one I liked.

Speaking about it with friends and family, I understood I was not the only one having this problem. It's at that time that I decided to create a toothpaste that combines the best of both worlds: a naturel and plastic free toothpaste, which is as good and as efficient as traditional toothpastes.

I selected the best partners and développe this project for two years. I am very pleased that I finally found a great product, that people love, and which has a positive impact on people health and on the environment.

Discover WAYA toothpaste


A tablet is:

  • More hygienic that powder or solid toothpaste
  • More fun and easier to use
  • The right amount of ingredients and of fluorid
  • Super practical when travelling. You take the quantity of tabs you need depending on how many days you are away from home.

In collaboration with a lab in Valais specialising in natural cosmetic products, we have developed a unique toothpaste that meets the criteria of taste and tooth protection, all using natural raw materials, most of which come from neighbouring countries.

What is it made of?

My goal is to offer a toothpaste which is good for your health and for the planet. I have therefore chosen natural ingredients from Switzerland and neighbouring countries wherever possible.  

Voir la liste d'ingrédients

This toothpaste protects against cavities thanks to:

  • Its combination of xylitol and erythritol repels bacteria, preventing the formation of oral cavities.
  • Sodium fluoride (1450 ppm), which is recommended by the vast majority of dental professionals in Switzerland.

The RDA of 66 cleans your teeth very well without any damage.

These measures were been made by an indépendant lab.

WAYA toothpaste is developed and produced in Switzerland.

We are working with around ten Swiss companies. By buying our products, you support many local companies.

Yes, this toothpaste can be used by pregnant or breast-feeding women. It contains natural extracts of mint and ecchinacea, in powder form and not essential oils.

This toothpaste is suitable for children aged 7 and over. We recommend an adult is present when brushing teeth.

Here are the recommendations given by the Boiron company, based in Berne and an expert in homeopathy:

"It is recommended that homeopathic medicines be taken in an empty, clean mouth, if possible away from meals.

Mint and coffee, consumed at a distance from homeopathic medicines, have no effect on the effectiveness of the prescription.

Do you have another question?

Please send us a WhatsApp message to+41 76 471 03 65 or write us at

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